Over the past 60 years, teams of Glasgow staff and students have travelled to every corner of the globe in search of new discoveries and aiming to answer fundamental questions relating to the natural environment in which we live. Expedition teams have travelled over 6 continents, looking at varied aspects of geography, zoology, geology,
Over the years Glasgow ExSoc Expeditions have achieved amazing things all over the world. From journal articles in Nature to the lasting legacy of building libraries and women’s skills
Preliminary reports
Preliminary reports are written shortly after expeditions end to inform the Exploration Council on the aims achieved. These are later developed into full final reports containing details of all facets of the expedition. Below you can find preliminary reports of the latest expeditions.
A selection of final reports from expeditions running since 1989 can be found below. We are always hunting down lost reports so if you have access to any other old reports we would love to hear from you!

Into the Archives
We’re lucky to have an amazing archive from expeditions running from 1936 until 1983. We have reports from expeditions to the Isle Of Canna in 1936, St Kilda in 1956, Calabria (Italy) and Morrocco in 1970, Norway in 1969, Durness in 1975 and